ancienlee 发表于 2012-6-11 23:46

先驱者百科地址+Sem Geordons mod 2

本帖最后由 ancienlee 于 2012-6-11 23:49 编辑

里面有啥grpunpacker啊、qrc editor(这玩意儿貌似也可以拿来用在沸点2上,沸点2也是用的vital engine 3)啊、The Precursors SDK啥的~貌似可以拿来做MOD用。

顺带分享个MOD,提升了负重啥的,不过会将界面等变成俄文,我还在用qrc editor研究咋弄成英文。
Sem Geordons mod 2
原址: (俄文,建议使用谷歌翻译,进入后请点击下载)

Mod description.
1. Brought up the possibility of the hero.For example:
- Now the player can be worn on a 150 kg
- Increased probability of burglary, upgrade
- Improve the time that a player can run with stamina
- Increased the discount, which gives perk "Trade"
2.Eating restores more health.
3.Registered improvement of relations with the faction after a performance of missions. (Not all - in particular Goldin)
5.Increased wages have Riediger and the officer Keaton.
4.Fixed: kosmotehniki take money but not repairing the ship (now the mend),.
5.Thesale of minerals buyers opens inventory of the spacecraft, not theplayer himself, as it was before. The price of these minerals increased.
6.Atthe parking technician repairman sells more rounds, relativelycheaper.Technician (near repair buggy), changing tires for 50 credits.
7.The bar at Goldin can be reconciled with the empire and DS (For money of course).
8.Do Cloth (Goldin) increased prices for the sale of hunting troffeev
9.The station is Klatts Traitor, which can improve the relationship with the birds nest (once)
10.For the same money (see 7) in a bar on the staff of the empire and Goldin DS raise more reputation.
11.With AZ you can put up with all factions, except the bandits.
12.Registered improvement of relations with the faction after their mission (who are still at the Imperials and D.S)
13.Increased the salaries of the Imperials and DS
14.At Reandore (base Imperials) are available not only remnabor as fuel, spare wheel.
15.Ibid (see paragraph 14) appeared: Technician at the tanks and techniques for robots.
16.Onrov refuel the car and sells cartridges for buggy.
17.Load the vessel increased to 90 tons (when installing update "Caravan").
18.Do guards at the exits Tamerheyma can profiteer cartridges for buggy.
19.One of the guards can cheat and get cartridges for free, while earning a perk charisma.
20.Similarly, on the basis of paragraph 14 free traders.
21.There is a mechanic you can buy cartridges for the buggy.
22.The doctor Panga (Goldin), you can learn how to take drugs (to get a perk "doctor").
Description of the update:
Tilt Wheel again can successfully use
Holograms-stripper dance again, and not stand in a strange position.
Adjusted dialogue AZ (see paragraph 10)
Removedreplicas have technicians on the tanks and robots "pour fuel andreplenish ammunition (whether these commands are not executed).
+ 18.Improved basic characteristics of the weapons.
+ 19.Increased characteristics of the weapons purchased with the upgrade.
+ 20.Increased lethality of bullets.
+ 21.You will pass the last mission for the Imperials (the Colonel Wacona).
+ 22.The service Vinnie Jones asks his nephew (sitting in the left room to repair the premises) to repair your car for free.
+ 23.As a token of gratitude nephew (see Section 22) will learn to operate the machine (will perk driver).
+ 24.Dr Pang will teach medication (will perk doctor).</div>

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