tatoogo 发表于 2011-12-2 00:33

背景资料,Laura Sorkin博士的journal恐龙日记

本帖最后由 tatoogo 于 2011-12-2 15:47 编辑

菜单已经有人翻译了,我就来翻译一下日记Journal ,方便一些想了解更多故事背景的朋友.

what a day! Supply chopper never showed. Parasaurs won't behave. And face it, I'm still mad at John Hammond.
He gave me a mosquito in amber, and I made life. No other paleogeneticist could have done it. But I wouldn't take shortcuts.
So he took my life's work, and handle it to Henry Wu.
自从他给了我那块嵌着蚊子的琥珀,我从此有了新生。没有什么古生物基因学家曾经做过这些工作。但我不同意投机取巧。为此他夺走了我付之一生的工作,把它交给了亨利 吴。
John gave me this lab to shut me up. At least now I have time to study the animals. Record the phenotypic anomalies. And maybe fix what's broken.

Dilophosaurus - " Double-Crested Lizard "
双脊龙 - “两个头冠的蜥蜴”
Wu's amphibian DNA has profoundly changed our Dilophosaurs. They should grow to six meters long. None in our brood are that big. I'm even wondering if the frill and spitting behavior are a splicing error. There's no evidence in the fossil record for that business.
Our Dilos maybe small, but they're tenacious. Once they decided you're prey, they don't let up. There's nothing to do but get away as fast as soon.

Triceratops "Three-Horned Face"
As our Triceratops mature, holes open up in their frill bones. At first I thought it was another nucleotide sequencing error. Now it's clear that Triceratops and Torsaurus are the same species, I'm still not sure why the morphology changes with age like that. Status recognition?
Our Triceratops have developed a fondness for the leaves of local banana plants. They'd jump through hoops for the stuff, if they weren't so damn heavy.
三角龙 - “脸上长有三只角”
当我们的三角龙长大成熟,它们冠状骨上会长出孔洞来。 起先,我认为这又是一种核苷酸序列错误。现在清楚了。三角龙和牛角龙是同一种类,我还不确定为什么会随着年龄而发生那样的形态改变。也许是某种族群地位识别标志?

Tyrannosaurus Rex - tyrant lizard king
霸王龙 巨爬虫之王
despite the theories popular among some paleontologists, i'm convinced our t. rex's motion-based vision is the result of wu's amphibian DNA. it's like the frogs and toads that eat their meals in one bite. who knows how its vision would be if john had let me fill in the genome properly?
regardless, it makes our t.rex safe to observe, if you're careful stay still, and you can stay out of sight.

compsognathus "pretty jaw"
秀颚龙 漂亮的颚
i have to admit, of all the dinosaurs we have managed to clone so far, compsognathus holds a special place in my heart. i imagine it's because they remind me of the chickens we had on the farm when i was growing up.
我必须承认,我们克隆的这么多恐龙中,秀颚龙在我心中有特殊的地位 。我想这是因为它们让我想起儿时在农场上与小鸡相伴的时光。
in fact, their genetic structure is so simlar to birds that i'm bit surprised they don't have feathers! then again, thanks to all the shortcuts we've been forced to make, i can't say for sure that they didn't.1

herrerasaurus - "herrera's lizard "
埃雷拉龙   埃雷拉的蜥蜴
i would have loved to have seen don victorino herrera's face when he first discovered the bones of the herrerasaurus. and now one of the oldest dinosaur species discovered is reborn and walking on our facilities!
when we were engineering the hererasaurus i didn't know they were meant to be a "safe" alternative to the velociraptor exhibit. though not nearly as smart as the raptors, their chase instinct makes them almost as dangerous.
当我们设计埃雷拉龙时,我不知道它们是要被设计成"安全"的而不是像迅猛龙那个样子。 虽然远没有迅猛龙那么聪明,但它们的追猎本能使它们几乎同样危险。

the quarantine pens.
i am getting so sick of hammond! i can't believe he ordered another group of raptors to this island from site b afterwhat happened last time! the man will never learn to respect what we have created and stop trying to create a spectacle!
at least they used the southern quarantine pens; if they'd tried to take them to the ones near the docks, they'd have found the brood euthanizing an entire species just because they're unprofitable is not acceptable.
还好他们使用了南部的那些围栏。如果他们试图把它们弄到靠近码头的围栏里,他们就会发现,最好把它们全都安乐死掉,它们是无利 可图是不可接受的。

parasaurolophus - near crested lizard
i am extremely pleased with the progress david and i have been making with the parasaur behavioral experiments. our hypotheses that the cranial crest was used for amplified sound communication has been brilliantly confirmed, but the coloring being used to identify various social cliques was something i was not fully expecting.
大卫和我进行的副栉龙行为试验进行得非常顺利。我们假定那个头冠是用于放大叫声以利沟通的想法已经证实了。但颜色是否有辨别不同群体身份的作用还未可知 。
i have been able to isolate their mating, feeding and warning calls and am excited to see how they respond to recording of their own sounds. david has converted the area around the water tower to a holding pen and has rigged up an intricate speaker system for projecting their calls. this is science. the kind that cant be rushed with a checkbook!

velociraptor- swift seizer
迅猛龙 - 敏捷的捕手
our velociraptors differ significantly from the fossil record. they're perhaps three times as large as they should be.
they're difinitely velociraptors, but based on size alone, they appear to have more in common with utahraptor or deinonychus. i've given dr. wu meaningful looks when the subject has come up, but he doesn't seem to make the connection between his frog DNA hack and the discrepancy.
politically speaking . if he doesn't, nobody will.

the tunnel network
once again, i got caught in a torrential downpour on the way back to my lab from the parasauralophus pen. i had hoped that they would extend the tunnel network to my lab, but "spare no expense" doesn't apply when you're in the doghouse.
i may broach the subject again once they complete the process of connecting the tunnels to the visitor's center and the rest of park's core.

geothermal power
the park's main power source is a geothermal plant, driven by the latent volcanic activity so rampant in this area. for some reason, ray allen and hammond are reticent about sharing the procedure for shtting down and restarting the power.
公园的主能源来自于地热工厂。由这片地下活跃的火山活动提供。雷. 艾伦和哈蒙德在是否公开关闭和重启总电源的程序的问题上非常谨慎。
although they claim the secrecy is for security, relying on one of thechosen few to be present and conscious during a crisis actually makes me feel less secure. i think i've managed to figure it out on my own, just in case.

troodon - wounding tooth
伤齿龙 -致伤的牙齿
our mystery eggs hatched today, confirming my suspicions: they're troodon pectinodon. i'm thrilled to have achieved these results in my own lab, but hammond is concerned that we've cloned a dinosaur that might no fit in his vision for the park.
he wants a full evaluation before he'll add them to the list.

troodon - wounding tooth
伤齿龙 - 伤害性的牙齿
we knew they would be efficient predators, with grasping hands, binocular vision, and exceptionally large brains. we figured they might be nocturnal. but we had no idea about the stealth, the stalking, or the nightmarish venom.
after the latest incident, john has deemed the droodon a threat to his vision of the park. he has told me in no uncertain terms that they are to be destroyed, along with all records of their creation. i'll play along, but i will not euthanize an entire species. i'll hide them in the quarantine pens for now. they'll be safe there.

the marine exhibit
remember how john diverted half my funding for " urgent needs" last year? well, i happened to get a look at one of those "needs" today, and it's another tourist trap - a marine exhibit.
记得去年约翰(哈蒙德)从我的项目基金上转走一半用于“紧急需求”吗? 正巧我今天看了一眼这些“需求”,又是一个游客圈套-一个海洋展。
it's not going to open until phase b, which means it's not a priority over opening the park - just over basic research. the guys building it don't even know what animals it's meant to hold. maybe john will get wu to spin a plesiosaur out of pollywogs.
海洋展直到B阶段才会开放,那意味着在开园阶段没有优先权-仅作为基础研究。 甚至建筑设施的人都不知道里面要装什么? 也许约翰(哈蒙德)会让吴博士用那些小蝌蚪拼凑出一头蛇颈龙来。

mosasaur -meuse river lizard
沧龙 -莫兹河蜥蜴
finally found what john has in store for his marine exhibit - a mosasaur! it's a phase b attraction so it's no on the list. apparently the first specimen is viable(!) and it's already outgrown the breeding tank. i'd be pissed off about being kept out of the loop, but i'm too excited to care.
a mosasaur! the apex predator of the late cretaceous seaways. with a double-hinged jaw to gulp down large prey. upwards of 50 feet long, depending on genus. it's going to be magnificent. i just hope the facility's large enough to be a healthy habitat.

there's a storm coming. i can feel it, like icould feel tornados cming when i was little, back in arkansas.
ray will probably call an evacuation. not sure i'll go. we're secure here, and the parasaurs need tending. most important, i'm nearly ready to reverse wu's cruel lysine contingency.
once that's done, everything's going to fail into place. john will see that he can't control these animals, or me. and isla nublar will become a nature preserve - proper habitat - a home.

ppddxd 发表于 2011-12-2 02:20


lesterlbz 发表于 2011-12-2 12:47


tatoogo 发表于 2011-12-2 16:02

回复 3# lesterlbz


yanyan1733 发表于 2012-1-4 14:42


Vousemport 发表于 2012-1-9 17:33

这个要看看 能帮我很大的忙啊 最近在翻译侏罗纪公园项目

shaowensg 发表于 2012-1-21 20:11


wjieice 发表于 2012-5-31 19:00


feifei1983 发表于 2012-7-4 10:21


神龙斗士耶 发表于 2012-7-17 22:25

追风·~#之翼 发表于 2012-11-11 13:16

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